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Showing posts from May, 2018

The 'Big Five' behaviours - Building and maintaining a values-led business culture

Business culture is a topic that I frequently see popping up on my LinkedIn feed, and something I'm deeply passionate about. Many of us have read the famous Netflix slide deck that describes their own business culture, and even last night whilst digesting the day's technology news I read an analysis of Bezos ' meeting culture in a digital broadsheet. For my business - Conosco - the culture I joined and the culture I knew that I would be proud to lead and be associated with, have maintained a high position in my everyday thoughts whether on my morning drive to work, walking through the streets of London at lunchtime or sitting with my young children as they fall asleep at night after their bedtime story. Having just spent a week with our teams based in South Africa , it's become ever more apparent to me that a relatively small number of leadership values and habits can help to drive what I feel are the most valuable team member behaviours to support our busi